Really life is indeed cruel, very erratic and can be witty at times. Musicians have always endorsed politicians, so why should a musician who sang for political party complain? Especially when that catapulted the party to win power? Perhaps he made the wrong move as the musicians who sang for the ‘suppose’ losing party are rather enjoying. That’s what I mean; life can be iniquitous at times.
It is with this unfair nature of life and weighty expressions as Atsu Koliko tried so hard to find the right words characterized with intermittent breaks to explain his journey from Sass Squad to TH4 Kwages and now to Atsu Koliko and how life is treating him as a solo artiste now. He is the sole survivor from Sass Squad and TH4 Kwages.
“After Reggie Rockstone released the first hip life album, I, Scooby, Olasty Bingo, Sane Dog and Shorty thought we can also do similar thing, we came out as Sass Squad”.
“Because we were based in the West, Takoradi, nobody was supporting us, no producer, we have to do things on our own, and all the attention and action were centered on Accra, the capital”.
“Later, we formed TH4 Kwages from Sass Squad. TH4 Kwages was a break away group from Sass Squad, it was actually a group within Sass Squad, we featured some of the guys from Sass Squad on our TH4 Kwages album”.
One single life lost can really change the direction of something “We couldn’t pick up the pieces after Olasty Bingo’s untimely death, it was tough, Scooby Selah give up the group to do Reggae so I jumped on the hip life train since I have a lot of talent that the whole world needs to know”.
Nokia 3310 is a track from Atsu Koliko’s album ‘Urself’.
How many of you still use Nokia 3310, that key-soap-look-alike phone? Well I still use it if you don’t. Nokia 3310 comes with a lot of uniqueness, if you dare leave it somewhere, possibly in a trotro; my friend you will be a dreamer to think somebody will steal it. You will come back and meet your phone where you left it.
Asked what is the concept or the idea of Nokia 3310? He said ‘I just want to tell people to live their normal life; I want them to cut their coat according to their size, don’t live above your means if you can’t afford it”.
Asked why he didn’t try bringing back the other members of the group together. Stephen Tsatsu alias Atsu Koliko thought it was not obligatory to resurrect the group TH4 Kwages as he then have to make a trip from Azim to Zebilla (tour the entire country) to get everyone on board. He said embarking on such trips, means he has to find people who can stand ‘firm’ like him. It doesn’t look clear what he meant by ‘firm’ but he didn’t care though, he re-echoed that point well again with his Fanti jabs.
“Accra, here I come” he ended. Conceivably announcing his presence to the producers that he has now packed bag and baggage to Accra.
By Ebenezer Anangfio Jnr.
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