January is the month of the year where everyone arrange themselves with resolutions here and there. By default, most people won’t achieve their wishes because they will just fold their arms and expect a miracle from God.
GhanaCelebrities.Com continues to speak with Ghanaian celebrities for their expectation for this New Year 2012. We published part one last week, check it up if you missed it from HERE. This week we are bringing you the continuation.
Nikki Samonas [Actress, Model & Presenter]:
I hopefully expect Ghanago through a safe and peaceful period in electing a new president. I hope to see Ghanaians have a cordial and peaceful relationship in all the regions. No more tribal, ethnic disputes and fights.
I also hope to seeGhanaachieve her goals in all developmental projects through a stable economy. I expect that theGhanamovie industry will grow higher in excellence and perfect execution of movies.
Personally, I expect a breakthrough in my television show ‘African Movie Review’ and other international contracts in my modelling career like with Chris Aire.
I also expect a cordial working relationship in the movie industry and beyond. I am also hoping to achieve my goal in contributing my quota through my project ‘Help Them To Read’ in donating educational tools to the kids in all the districts in Ghana thereby helping Ghana achieve her aim of boosting education in the country.
I’m hopeful to experience the best in everything I do this year. I am busting out.
Finally may the Grace of God continually be with us in accordance to our purpose and the will of God in our lives. God bless us all, God bless Ghana.
Eddie Nartey [Actor]:
2011 for the movie industry was a bit rough. Banning people here and there and so many misunderstandings. But in the end, I must say that, we were able to produce great movies such as ‘Adams Apple’, ‘Somewhere In Africa’ and ‘Ties That Bind’.
Even though the industry dulled up a bit towards the end of the year, I hope things will be great in 2012. I hope we will have more movie producers and investors in the industry. I hope in 2012, creativity will be at its peak with directors and scriptwriters.
I hope that we will produce things of our own and do more of originality. I hope the trend changes in relation to casting as many audiences complain of the same people over and over again. Greater height is what I wished for the industry in 2012.
Kobi Rana [Musician, Actor & Movie Director]:
2011 was promising. I pray for more investors and talents. Not just popular actors but NATURAL actors. Wider and better market and more amazing scripts.AfehyiaPa!
Jackie Appiah [Actress]:
I want to see a Brighter, Greater Achievements, More development, more film makers and continue peace in Ghana and the world as a whole. To have more of the fear of God Almighty by becoming more sharing and helpful to people and help them find their purpose in life.
People should learn to leave behind Grudges, Sadness, Pain, Fear and Regrets, because God has made life beautiful.
I would like to conclude by saying that nothing is impossible and keep trying and success shall be yours by God’s Grace.
Luckie Lawson [Actress, Movie Producer & CEO of 7th Art Production]:
My expectations is that we find better ways to market our movies other then shoot and put on DVD’s, VCD, the Net then 6 months later on TV. We need to promote the movies and the actors better, write good stories that hits home for every viewer.
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