Obrafour is not one of the controversial hip life artistes but slowly he is aiming at that title. If you think the Okyeame Kwame – Obrafour saga has died a natural death then you will be laughing at the wrong side of your mouth. The latter has rekindled the whole saga and beating the war drums again, after performing with a dummy on which was boldly written “OK”; he has now released a controversial video.
I love creative people and I have not hesitated to say that Obrafour latest single ‘Kaseibo’, which features Guru, is a pure classic, it’s a master piece and portrays creativity at its peak. However, the controversy it has created does not emerge out of this creativity but as a result of the lyrics which were direct attacks on certain personalities in the Ghana music industry.
It’s an undoubted fact that the lyrics in that song are directed to Okyeame Kwame and Obour. Earlier on, the “Rap Sofour” disclosed on a Kumasi-based radio station, “I do not see my latest single as a ‘dissing’ song, not at all, for me, this is not a ‘diss’ song, I’m only expressing my opinion, I don’t have a grudge with Kwame as people may think,”.
He further said “People should appreciate the creativity in the song; they should not read too much meaning into the song. As I said, I don’t have any problem with my brother Okyeame Kwame,”
“Okyeame Kwame is prone to attacks by referring to himself as the best rapper alive. If Obrafour has a problem with that title, who gave him (Obrafour), the “Ghana Rap Sofour” title? Asked a music fan.
The Celebrity journalist Ameyaw Debrah once asked Obrafiour “You have no problem with someone like Okyeame Kwame saying he’s the best rapper live, right?” In his reply, Obrafour re-echoed his earlier submissions, acknowledging the originator of hip life Reggie Rockstone and “Rap Heavyweight” Lord Kenya, the guys he had little exchanges with, “Well, he can be the best rapper, the alive is where I have a problem, because am good, am not dead, Reggie is not dead, Lord Kenya is not dead”.
The whole hubbub about them was said to have died a natural death but the executioner recently told Myjoyonline after the Joy FM Nite with the Stars that, he is ready to teach Okyeame Kwame what ‘diss’ song is provided he (Okyeame) goes back to the studio to record a diss song against him, “Controversy sells and for me if Okyeame Kwame says he has a beef, I put it straight to Kwame that he should be a man and reply. I will come back and show him what a beef or a ‘diss’ song is should he reply,” Obrafour added.
All efforts to get the “Best Rap Alive” on the line to comment proved futile but we managed to get one Yaa Agyeiwaa, the Marketing Director of 1 MIC Entertainment, she told http://www.ghanacelebrities.com that, Okyeame Kwame wouldn’t want to comment on anything concerning what Obrafour had said and that they don’t have any reply for Obrafour.
However, she indicated that they are willing to talk about something else, something of much importance and not less important stuff, “We don’t have time for trivial things”, she ended.
Click Here To Watch The Video
By Ebenezer Anangfio Jnr. / Ghanacelebrities.com / Ghana
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