Abodam is an assumed name of a mad man walking free on the streets of Accra under the pretext of doing hip life. Methinks, Kwaw Kese is just arrogant, bloody opportunist; I won’t be surprise if he’s a gay because of his girlish altitude off late and besides I think he’s an attention seeker.
Why does he want his butt on everybody’s case? This guy is accused of defrauding his ex girl friend; he is again indicted for stealing Konfi’s lyrics in his Zoom Lion Campaign song. I doubt if he’s going to come out clean.
He was on Peace FM, sometime ago to speak well of his immoral acts, praising polygamy, he wants to marry as many as 10 because Ghanaian women needs to be loved. Real definition of a mad man huh? Kwaw Kese the self-acclaimed king of the streets is set to launch his latest album anytime soon on the streets.
Kwaw Kese who rides high on the Mad House Records explains the venue of the launch. "Since am the king of the streets, I feel I needed to get closer to my fan bases, who are the guys on the streets. I am a product of the street and I want to give it back to my people. ". Speaking on The Rundown, an entertainment review program on TV Africa "You see, people organize launching at high places like the Accra Conference Centre and charge huge sums of money but my fans can’t pay, if I do something like that, hence my decision to launch it on the streets".
The Odiem star, who is also the CEO of Mad House Records, seems to have a problem with everybody, including God. Asked if he has a problem with Asem. He wasn’t straight with his response, as he only managed to say "I have a problem with everyone".
Yaw Sakyi, the host of the show, pushed him to the wall, asked him what really did Asem say. Why did you jab at Asem or did he jab at you? "Asem can also jab at me and I will reply him". Yaw, you see I am a commander and on the battlefield I do not have to wait for someone to tell me the bullet or the bomb is directed at me before I can act. Kwaw Kese was apparently, referring to Ayigbe Edem’s You Dey Craze track and Tinny’s Ringtone second Remix featuring Asem, Richie & Okyeame Kwame. In the said track, Kwaw Kese said
//Mo Na Mo Di Bea Ya, Na So Ye Na Ye Yee No Hit//, factually means “You brought it and we made it a hit" And he, Asem, used the same beat and said something back at me, he said
//Ye Na Ye Di Bea Ye, Na So Ye Na Ye Yee No Hit//
// Mo Na Mo Di Bea Ya, Na Mu Yee No Shit//", and as a commander, I do not need someone to tell me Asem was talking to me", he said when asked how he knew Asem was talking to him.
The 2008 Ghana Music Awards winner further took a swipe at the Ghana Music Awards 2009 New Artiste of the Year. “To call yourself a star in Ghana, you don’t need to sit in Accra, move from one night club to the other and call yourself a star, you need to go to Elubo, Aflao, etc then you can call yourself a star”.
The Swedru-born declined to talk about the fraud charges against him by his ex girlfriend, since to him the case is at the court and wants to leave it to his lawyers to handle. He continued his ranting, “Konfi are my disciples, I don’t have anything to do with them, and they even want to rap like me, like they said in their track like-father-like-son”.
He should just save his nonsense and leave everybody else alone. Asem made it with only an album. As a star that he claims he is, he must live an exemplary life for his so-called fans to emulate and stop this gobbledygook since that will see to his downfall soon.
By: Ebenezer Anangfio Jnr.
Email: ebenezer@ghanacelebrities.com
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